Saturday, January 10, 2009


I was reading one of my friend's blog's about how she is obsessed with things and I thought I know I am the only person who is obsessed with fabric and thread and patterns oh my!!!!! But come to find out she is just as obsessed as I am. So I thought I will take pictures of some of my obsessions and show you. Now my obsessions are not as orderly as hers. She took some great pictures but mine, well you will see. I keep telling myself I have to get things in order but when I do try, the pile of things I have seems to get bigger and bigger no matter what I do. It's like that piece of steak that you are trying to chew and it just gets bigger and bigger in your mouth and you don't really know what to do with it so you just keep on chewing hoping it will get smaller. I looked up the word obsession in good ole Webster and this is what it said, " the condition of being obsessed with an idea, wish, etc. an idea, wish, etc. that fills one's thoughts and cannot be put out of the mind". Ain't that the truth. I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about my obsessions. There are so many things that I want to make and I just am so overwhelmed at times trying to figure out what I want to do. I see all kinds of crafty people that come up with the most amazing things and wonder now why didn't I think of that. It's because I am too busy thinking about all the other things that I want to do, have to do. I now want to make jewelry out of scrabble tile pieces and rings out of old buttons and things. What's a girl to do. Oh and I am also obsessed with this computer. I am always having to check my email. I just know something important is going to come through like me winning the lottery. But that won't happen because I think, if I am not mistaken, you have to play to win. Well I guess that is enough of me rambling.

1 comment:

PineyWoodsPrims~Dena said...

Hey I love all your stuff. I feel so much better now that I know that I am not ALONE. ROFL. lol. Oh my goodness. I showed you a neat picture, now i feel a little guilty because my fabric table is a mess. lol So I will have to take pic of it plus my sewing cabinet and everything. I have to come clean. lol I am not a neat freak either. lol I am sooooo not. lol. Thank you for sharing your pictures with me and your addiction to crafts. We need to start a group up for that. lol What do you think?