Saturday, January 17, 2009


I am still trying to figure out some things about blogging and adding things and deleting things. I added the Share This and I have no idea how I added it or better yet I can't figure out how to delete. It's amazing to me how your kids can figure out these things and you can't. Must be the sign of the times. Maybe I will get it sooner or later. Probably later than sooner tho. Why do they have to make things so difficult or is it just me. Am I the only one that has trouble trying to figure these things out? Surely not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never fear dear are NOT the only one...I just checked my google stats and one of the most frequent visitors to my blog is folks looking for the answer to the question, "Why does my electric blanket control blink?" OH, that is funny and validating..