Thursday, March 12, 2009

Where has the time gone??????

I can not believe that it has been almost a month since I have posted on my blog. What was I thinking? What have I been doing? I have been bidding my life away on ebay. You know I have talked about me making rings out of the vintage earrings and that is what I have been bidding on. I have made so many and keep saying I want to open a Etsy store and just have not done it yet. These rings are absolutely adorable!!!!! I am not a ring person but I love to wear these. They are such a fashion statement. I have noticed that big rings are in. Oh and you know I have been making my bags of course. I even have customers calling me now to order. I love it!!

I will try to do better about writing on my blog.

Till we meet again,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Finally, a blog entry! I've missed you lots!