Saturday, July 4, 2009

Way Too Long

Yep that is right. It has been way too long since I have posted here. What is wrong with me, just can't get it together I guess. Way too much going on in the Thompson household. My oldest has moved in with us which is fine but he totaled my car and now I have to go find me another car. Yes he did hurt his shoulder but it is getting better thank goodness. He just moved here in hopes of finding a job, any job. Here job, where are you job? They are so hard to find even in fast food. He wants to go back to school and become an LVN. My youngest leaves for Iraq soon so we are leaving Wed. to go see him before he leaves. I look forward to seeing him but I also know that he will leave soon after we leave. I have mixed emotions about that. Just found out that hubby has Type 2 diabetes so now we are having to deal with that. He has a 5 hr. workshop that he had to attend and I went with him since I do most of the cooking. Very informative. Hopefully I will get my groove back when we come back from our trip.
Till next time!!

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