Sunday, April 17, 2011

Once Again TIME!!

I have been in a big funk these past few months. Can't seem to shake it either. I lost my dad in August, my mother in November, my mother in law in April and my aunt just a few days ago. Wow has it been tough. I miss my daddy but wow do I ever miss my mother. She and I talked every single day and how I miss not being able to call her. I am so thankful I was able to be with her for about a month before she left us. My sister and I were able to take care of her at home. This is what our mother wanted so we did everything we could to keep her home. Cancer is such a terrible thing but we are so thankful that she did not suffer long. I am trying to get back in the groove of crafting. Mother was always so proud of everything I made. She looked forward to seeing the things I made. I stopped making the military bags and have taken up crocheting. I have 10 grandchildren and they love all the hats and scarves and gloves that I have made for them. Hopefully I will get back in the groove. I don't make my dolls anymore either so if anyone knows of someone who loves prim patterns and more I have plenty that I am looking to sale at a very reasonable price. My son is back from Iraq. He has been back for almost a year now but he is training for Afghanistan now. Not looking forward to that at all. My husband finally is semi retired and started drawing his social security. We wanted to buy a travel trailer but heck the gas is so high that if we buy one we will have to park it in the drive and pretend we are going somewhere lol. Well got to run for now. Hope to be back soon.

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